One Case of Cholera Reported in Havana

HAVANA TIMES — A 60-year-old woman was admitted into a Havana hospital this past Wednesday after having been diagnosed with cholera. This recent case has occurred just days after three people died in an unusual outbreak of the disease in the town of Manzanillo, reported the BBC.

Thanks to early detection, the analysis performed on the patient confirmed that the disease is stable.

According to the news note, more than 50 people are infected and nearly 1,000 patients have received medical attention. The authorities insist that the outbreak is under control, with four hospitals prepared to isolate the infected.

Last Thursday, the Miami-based Café Fuerte website reported that — according to rumors circulating on the island — at least 16 deaths have resulted from the outbreak, though Cuban authorities are admitting to only three deaths and 53 cases of cholera in Granma Province.

Prior to this recent episode, Cuba had not reported any outbreaks of cholera since 1882.