Protests Erupt as Israeli Lawmakers Advance Bill to Gut Judiciary

Protests Erupt as Israeli Lawmakers Advance Bill to Gut Judiciary

By Democracy Now

HAVANA TIMES – In Israel, thousands of people have blocked highways in protest after the far-right coalition led by Benjamin Netanyahu renewed its push to dramatically limit the power of the judiciary. Early this morning, 64 members of Israel’s 120-member Knesset voted in favor of legislation that would put strict limits on the oversight powers of Israel’s Supreme Court. The bill must still receive two more votes before it can be written into law. At least 10 sit-in protesters were arrested for nonviolently blocking entry to the Knesset ahead of the vote. This is protester Deborah Galili of Tel Aviv.

Deborah Galili: “What this government is doing is not OK. Democracy is under attack. Israeli rights are under attack. The rights of Israeli citizens are under attack. And we’re here to protect that and to say, ‘Stop the coup. Stop the judicial coup.’”