Raul Castro Addresses Cuba’s Youth

HAVANA TIMES, April 4 — Cuba’s President Raul Castro will make the closing speech today at the 9th Congress of the Young Communist League (UJC) in Havana.
Some 800 delegates from around the country are discussing the role of their organization, the Communist Party’s youth organization, in Cuban society.
Castro’s speech will be broadcast at 6:30 p.m. local time Sunday on Cuban TV and radio and for people outside the country on Cubavision International, announced the local press on Sunday morning.
Havana Times will publish Raul Castro’s speech as soon as a transcription is available.
Thanks, Circles, I can hardly wait. Here’s hoping for the best!
Best regards
As someone who did watch his speech, he did seem to be in a serious and somber mood and spoke of the economy. participation and problems. Since my spanish is not that good, hopefully you all will do a detailed analysis.
Gee, grok, just when I had given up on you as a hopeless sectarian, you write something reasonable like this! We should talk.
As a communist with a certain experience of all types of communist parties & individuals in North America, I have to say that AFAIC little has been learned from the debacle of the fall of “actually-existing socialism” — i.e. stalinism. Or the failure of trotskyism, et al., for that matter. Most every party has simply carried on as before — despite the obvious need to rethink the entire socialist project. A lot of lip-service has been paid to that need, of course; but that’s about it: mind-numbing routine prevails instead, overall.
In Cuba, I don’t know the details of the situation — but from a distant perspective, the crisis in the country & in the Party is clear. Even in Venezuela, there is an obvious inability to do much more than rally around the leadership, for the most part. Of course there are always excellent exceptions — but these are always too few and far between. Besides that opportunist elements quickly rise to the top in all bureaucratic organizations.