Report on the Mother of Orlando Zapata in the US

Reyna Luisa Tamayo (r) along with Luis Posada Carriles en Miami. Foto:

HAVANA TIMES, Jan 25 — Under the title “Mother of Orlando Zapata Making Her Living Cleaning  Houses in Miami,” the official Granma newspaper today published an update on the status of the mother of the Cuban dissident who died in prison in 2010 after staging a 85-day hunger strike.

The principal newspaper in Cuban referred to Reina Luisa Tamayo’s appearance on the television program “A Fondo con Sevcec,” from Miami, where she detailed her frustrating experience of  adapting to life in the US, where she was unable to work and has been forgotten by many of those who promised her support after her arrival in exile.

The organ of the Communist Party of Cuba didn’t mention her emphasis made during the program when she stated her intention to continue fighting tirelessly “against the Castro brothers, who are the murderers of my son.”

However, the paper does show a photo of Tamayo alongside the notorious anti-Cuba terrorist Luis Posada Carriles, a former CIA operative responsible for the deaths of dozens of young people from the island.

Zapata’s mother came to the US carrying the ashes of her son on June 9, 2011, accompanied by her husband, four children and seven other relatives.