Time Change in Cuba This Sunday

HAVANA TIMES — Cuba will return to “standard time” this Sunday, November 4, concluding the summer Daylight Saving Time (DST) schedule that began in April. The change will occur with clocks being setback one hour at 1:00 a.m.

According to the National Electric Company: “With the application of Standard Time, there will be a greater use of electricity given the need to cook food in homes in the evenings. Consequently energy demand will grow to its maximum level from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m.”

To avoid blackouts, the company advises: “During this period, even more importance must be placed on maintaining energy conservation measures that have been established and to increase these measures during peak-use hours. For this reason we are making an appeal to the public, so that — in their homes as well as in their workplaces — they take all steps during those times to use only necessary appliances and lighting, in this way guaranteeing the rational use of electric power.”