Two More Journalists Murdered in Mexico

the 10th and 11th Such Killings in 2022

By Democracy Now

HAVANA TIMES – In Mexico, two more journalists have been killed in the Gulf Coast state of Veracruz. Yessenia Mollinedo Falconi was the director of the online news site El Veraz. Sheila Johana García Olivera was a reporter at the same outlet. News of their deaths came as journalists across Mexico took to the streets protesting the murder of another journalist in the northern state of Sinaloa, Luis Enrique Ramírez. At least 11 journalists have been killed in Mexico this year alone.

Rodolfo Montes: “The wave of murders against the journalistic profession has become uncontrollable. Today, just as we are protesting here in Mexico City, in Tijuana and in Sinaloa, we learned the sad news that two of our colleagues were taken from their lives in Veracruz. It is carnage against journalists in our country. There are no guarantees. The Mexican state is not providing the guarantees so that we can freely exercise our journalistic exercise in Mexican territory.”

Read more news here on Havana Times