Writer Padura in the Dark as to the Changes in Cuba

HAVANA TIMES — “Cuban society is changing, but I dare not say if it’s for the better,” said the writer Leonardo Padura. His comments came on Monday at the San Sebastian, Spain Film Festival, where he’s presenting the film 7 dias en La Habana (Seven Days in Havana), for which he was the screenwriter, reported ANSA.

Padura said in an interview with several media sources, “It takes some doing to know where the changes are leading” because “the generation under 30 sees life in a different way than how it’s presented in the rhetoric of [official] Cuban discourse.”

In his view: “What’s changing is society, the creation of self-employment that creates a space for freedom. It’s imperative that this number of workers grows in the coming years,” said the renowned author.

3 thoughts on “Writer Padura in the Dark as to the Changes in Cuba

  • I get what he says just fine, Jeff. It was Padura’s careful nuance I was referring to.

  • Really? Just because you don’t understand what he said, which is complex and nuanced, doesn’t mean he’s saying nothing. It means you don’t get it.

  • “Cuban society is changing, but I dare not say if it’s for the better”

    As a Cuban writer who still lives and works on the island, and whose books are published at home and abroad, Padura demonstrates in the quotation above the fine art of very carefully not saying anything.

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