Cuban Cartoonists Use Blue to Reject Hate Rallies
By Xel2 (El Toque)

HAVANA TIMES – This week we share a special issue with you. We use the color blue to reject the continued promoting of institutionalized violence, through hate rallies. Just like the one last Monday against a Cuban family. [An enraged mob splattered blue paint on the home of a private citizen and her family.]
Hatred and fear are fuels used to engender this type of violence, approved of by those who should prevent it.
Such actions shouldn’t be sustained or present in a healthy society based on logic and respect for freedom of thought. Moreover, no way of thinking should justify a mob of people threatening and harming others. Such acts dehumanize while trying to impose a criterion by force.
We appeal as artists of this society to humanism, love, art, and our best angels to save us in the eyes of history.

Cuban Art Speaks For The People as there Communist Dictator Controls there Words with Threats of more abuse. The Cuban People are afraid the World will Not Hear of the Suffering that is used to Control over there Nation.