Cuban Young People (Illustrations)

By Xel2 (El Toque)
HAVANA TIMES – This week we wanted to draw about Cuban youth and various phenomena that are quite typical of this moment. For example, the increase in emigration in this segment of the population, even though it is extremely expensive.
On social networks it is easy to see the discontent of young people with the immediate future of Cuba. Humor and sarcasm in the form of memes are the day to day rant against the absurdity of a power that ignores everything that is different.
Young people are a majority among those prosecuted after the massive demonstrations of last July 11th. We have seen people booted and banned from the country, in the purest style of colonial times including the persecution of independent journalists. Slander on national television with unfounded accusations against young people without the right to reply, is a daily affair. Some opposition leaders remain in high security prisons without trials.
Any action or opinion that is not aligned with the discourse of those who hold power in Cuba is considered an anti-government provocation.
It is a consolation that despite the repression, new active young people keep surfacing.
Greetings and happy Sunday.
Wimar Verdecia Fuentes