Diaz-Canel’s Agro Plan for Cuba, Will it Work?

Photo Bohemia

Freedom, Private Property Rights, Market and Profitability in the Cuban Countryside were not mentioned

By Elias Amor Bravo (14ymedio)

HAVANA TIMES – Cuban president Díaz-Canel wants to sound like Fidel Castro, but it’s hard. That way of approaching problems, as if he had a magic wand and the solution to everything, is leading him along the path to perdition. Castro did the same thing. Even when a threatening cyclone was coming, he became the television meteorologist to explain where it was going to go and where it was not going to go. Díaz-Canel has done the same with agriculture, and from there came a front-page report by the State newspaper Granma entitled “Producing food efficiently is the challenge,” which directly talks about how to feed Cubans every day.

Díaz-Canel met with agricultural producers to convey his impressions on what to do to “advance the processes of production, better use of land and promote the diversification of agricultural products; the objective is not to reduce production and planting but to do them in the most efficient way possible.” But you have the impression that he isn’t on the right track, that he’s not connected to reality. More or less like Castro, but look, it’s not the same. No one blamed Castro for his extravagances, like a deceptive cyclone that changed its trajectory and in the end went another way. Díaz-Canel should be careful.

No one at this point can have the slightest doubt. The Cuban communist regime may have two or three heartbeats left if it doesn’t find a solution to increase agricultural production. That is, so that a Cuban family can normally have three meals a day.

But any idea that occurs to the communists goes right in the opposite direction. With nothing better ahead, that idea of banishing food imports, because there is no foreign currency to pay for them, may end up creating more hunger problems and a terrible food crisis that blows everything up. In the short term, there is no choice but to import food and pay any price, no matter how high. The fault, as you know, lies with an ally of the Cuban regime: Putin, with his expansionist adventures in Ukraine.

Díaz-Canel speaks in an inappropriate way of “banishing the import mentality in an effort to meet the food needs of our population,” but he knows very well that, under current conditions, the agricultural sector is unable to feed the population. It may be very good to break that dependence in the medium and long term, but tomorrow, next month, things will be more complicated than ever.

And he doesn’t blame the bureaucracy and the obstacles that prevent the management of companies in this area, because he is solely responsible for that internal blockade, which we have denounced so many times in this blog. Freedom, private property rights, market and profitability are the principles that must be restored in the Cuban countryside, and in the economy as a whole, if it is to move forward.

But Díaz-Canel turns a deaf ear to these calls and remains silent on the subject of the application of science and innovation, which may be very good, and no one disputes it, but it must be raised over a longer time horizon. Tomorrow when they want to eat lunch and don’t have enough of what they need, Cuban families will not remember science and innovation at all.

He also spoke of “advancing production processes, better land use and boosting the diversification of agricultural products,” but this is impossible if the producers don’t own the land they cultivate. No one aspires to leave their mark on something that will never be theirs. Working for the communist state came to an end. Production and planting can only be increased and done in the most efficient way possible with private land-ownership rights, markets for the purchase and sale of plots and land, and private management of the agricultural sector. The land should belong to those who really work it. There is no other way; even the Vietnamese did it, and it was a wonder for them.

And then he talked nonsense at that moment, about “protein plants to increase the obtaining of animal feed, the production of feed with our own resources, or the development of mini-industries to take advantage as much as possible of agricultural production.” These are also things that don’t serve to solve the problem of tomorrow’s lunch.

The same is true of the use of bioproducts, even when the possible decrease in intermediaries between producers and agricultural markets is cited, and the speeding up of marketing in this area. No farmer supports the ideas that are included in the “63 measures.”

Díaz-Canel knows that there is no point in publishing a Law on Food Sovereignty and Food and Nutrition Security or the 63 measures, if the crops aren’t harvested and the population can go to the points of sale. Something so simple and so easy to achieve in Cuba becomes, thanks to the communist economic model, a thankless task.

Hence, in the face of such a difficulty, which could be solved with the aforementioned recipe of freedom, private property rights, market and profitability, principles that must be restored in the Cuban countryside and in the economy as a whole, Cuban communists start rehearsing other collectivist experiments to see what comes out. Díaz-Canel is irresponsible, getting into these types of stories that lead nowhere. I am referring to the 19 “productive poles” that have been created throughout the country.

According to Granma, these poles are made up of 86 basic business units, 54 basic cooperative production units, 45 agricultural production cooperatives and 190 credit and service cooperatives, with an arable land area of 151,829 hectares.

Can these poles really solve the problem of tomorrow’s lunch? They are clear about it. The estimated production at the end of 2021 reaches a total of 706,200 tons of agricultural items,, only a quarter of the planned production. Honestly, such a bureaucratic and organizational effort to achieve only that percentage of agricultural production is unjustified. If private tenants obtained from the communist regime the same amount as these collectivist-inspired poles, they would surely produce much more than that quarter, and they would also do so more efficiently.

But the communist regime is more interested in poles and municipalities, in the commitment to transfer to the local representatives the responsibilities that the central government is unable to achieve because it has failed again and again. The local authorities are not in favor. This strategy that can even be counterproductive, but it offers an idea of how lost they are for not giving up failed ideological principles.

Especially worrying was Díaz-Canel’s message to the attendees: “We are called upon to train and mobilize government structures from the municipal level so that they are in a position to lead this production process with popular participation in the local stages and, in addition, to promote an intense process that reaches all local producers, both state, cooperative and private, the state enterprise and even the last farm, the agroindustrial productive pole, each local development project, favoring agroecology as a necessary alternative for agricultural production in the current circumstances.” What does this sound like?

In the midst of all this, Díaz-Canel called for “increasing exports, achieving the linkage of all producers through a state company, or in other cases of cooperatives and new economic actors also closely linked to production.” Not a single reference was made to the values of freedom, private property rights, market and profitability in the Cuban countryside. As if he were talking about another country, at another time. You have the feeling that every day that passes he is further away from the reality in which he lives, and it is not known if it is his fault or the court of party and regime sycophants that surround him. The same as Fidel Castro.

Read more from Cuba here on Havana Times

One thought on “Diaz-Canel’s Agro Plan for Cuba, Will it Work?

  • The definition of insanity is to think and do the same thing over and over and over – in this case for over 60 plus years – expecting different positive results to manifest themselves miraculously. Today, and for the historical past, the Cuban agricultural sector has been in a downward spiral causing tremendous suffering among the majority of Cubans who cannot feed their families three nutritious meals per day. Yet, the island a pristine place for all kinds of agricultural products with abundant arable land and ideal climate for all kinds of crops cannot grow sufficient food to sustain itself.

    This article talks about how Cuban president Díaz-Canel’s magic words are going to transform the agricultural sector into a productive, efficient system which will feed the masses. As the article states Diaz-Canel is following his mentor’s ways – that of Fidel Castro – hoping that dictatorial pronouncements if said loud enough, and often enough, will spur the Cuban agricultural economy to flourish. He is certainly doing his political propaganda job very well as a sycophant of the totalitarian regime and totally out of touch with reality espousing nonsense for the ears of his masters whom could care less, whilst making no concrete connection with real productive Cuban farmers.

    The article clearly states: “You have the feeling that every day that passes he is further away from the reality in which he lives, and it is not known if it is his fault or the court of party and regime sycophants that surround him.” Probably both.

    What does the Cuban agricultural sector need immediately in order to resuscitate this anemic, atrophying sector? Cuban rational economists, Cuban agricultural experts with boots on the ground, the Vietnamese agricultural success story as a spur, suggest the obvious: “Freedom, private property rights, market and profitability are the principles that must be restored in the Cuban countryside, and in the economy as a whole, if it is to move forward.” Isn’t this the path towards agricultural sustainability utilized in the majority of the bread baskets of the world and has proven successful? But no, not to be, in communist Cuba.

    It is only human nature that if one owns outright a piece of land and has the opportunity to plant a crop, work the land as one sees fit, keeps the profits from productive harvests, pays taxes, a farmer has incentive, and more than motivated, to produce in quantity. Extrapolate that scenario over an extremely fertile country such as Cuba and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see the enormous fruitful potential.

    Take that same Cuban farmer and insert the same variables but in a negative fashion. The farmer does not own one inch of the land s/he works. The farmer has no input on any important agricultural matters since s/he is working for the communist state. More importantly for the agriculture entrepreneur, any profit from the productive land belongs to the state and the poor farmer receives a paltry wage insufficient to feed a hungry family at home at the end of the day. This is Cuban agricultural reality. How much motivation or incentive is there to be productive in this scenario? None. How much motivation is there for a young Cuban to enter the farming profession when s/he sees the hopelessness of the entire situation. None.

    Yet, those totalitarian decision makers, such as Diaz-Canel pronouncing to the ordinary Cuban farmer how the Cuban agricultural sector will turn itself around without a revitalized form of major capitalist influence in the agricultural sector is delusional. Insanity needs no other personification than the Cuban communist leaders doing the same thing over and over and over again expecting different delusional results. At the end of day, unfortunately, it is the majority of the island’s inhabitants who must pay the price for outright ineptness and senseless agricultural policies.

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