I Do Believe You (Illustrations)

By Xel2 (El Toque)

HAVANA TIMES – Making the fight to end violence against women visible is becoming more and more essential. Four days ago, a report by El Estornudo brought the issue back to the independent Cuban press.

Five women denounced sexual abuse perpetrated by the troubadour Fernando Becquer. The article generated new complaints against the artist and found in the social networks considerable support for the victims.

However, positions also include a group of artists friends of Becquer, and coincidentally defenders of the ruling party, who have come out in his defense. Meanwhile, women, from inside and outside of Cuba, continue to share their personal stories on the subject.

The official media, apparently, is avoiding the subject. The only response has been the publication in the official Gazette of the government strategy against gender and intra-family violence, approved since June and ignored so far. Chance?

Wimar Verdecia Fuentes

What do we have to say about harassment? Shhh! Let me listen to the women.
…Machismo will be around for 62 millenniums…
I do believe you.
That’s the government’s response to the recent sexual scandals.

Read more from Cuba here on Havana Times.