Niuyol: A Parole for Cuba’s Diaz-Canel

By Matraca (El Toque)

HAVANA TIMES – The Matraca artists zero in on the participation of Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel in the 78th UN General Assembly in New York.

Tom is Boy… you asshole. Look Machi, even in New York they are cheering you… you are the best! Yeeees, but shit, this app isn’t working… In Cuba, there isn’t any electricity, asshole!
The United States is bad, really bad.
What a disgrace in the UN!
In one year and one day (we could get permanent residency). Think about it Machi!
Cuban mercenaries in Russia

Read more from Cuba here in Havana Times

2 thoughts on “Niuyol: A Parole for Cuba’s Diaz-Canel

  • Life in the alternate Diaz Canel world. The representatives of all the countries of the world, are sitting on the edge of their seats at the UN, waiting to hear what D-C has to say, while all the Cubans back home in his socialist utopia gather around their TV sets, waiting for the electricity to be turned back on. Meanwhile, Mrs. D-C is at the nearest Walmart, using her own money to buy as much food as she can to load onto their airplane to take back to Havana for the poorest people in Old Havana.
    When they get home, they will personally distribute it, just like many of the foreign tourists do whenever they fly into Cuba. Right. And just when, after even a single one of their frequent-flyer international trips, did anyone ever see these two globe trotting tourists ever do that?

  • Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez reflects the views of most Cubans. Rather than spend time in Cuba addressing the plight of his fellow countrymen, Miguel travels to other countries as much as he can, popping up all over the globe. Russia, China, Vietnam, Venezuela, the US, Mexico, Nicaragua, the list is endless. But the purposes of all the gallivanting are self-evident! Avoidance of watching Cuba sinking into the economic abyss, and opportunity to hand around the begging bowl, while he and his spouse enjoy sampling the various gastronomic joys. New suits to fit the expanding waistline!

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