The Unfortunate Accident at Havana’s Hotel Saratoga

Cover design: Janet Aguilar

By Xel2 (El Toque)

HAVANA TIMES – This week we dedicate our drawings to the victims of the Hotel Saratoga accident, their relatives, and the rescuers.

Our solidarity with them and all the staff who have worked to save lives.

Wimar Verdecia Fuentes

Strength Cuba
The blood banks are beyond capacity thanks to the solidarity of the revolutionaries in the land of Fidel and Diaz Canel. This is a consequence of the misery of the Cuban regime. They continue visiting the communist dictatorship while more Cubans die.

Read more from Cuba here on Havana Times

3 thoughts on “The Unfortunate Accident at Havana’s Hotel Saratoga

  • Is Brian Brotherstone suggesting that it wasn’t unfortunate?
    Or that it wasn’t an accident??
    Or what???

  • Dark humour is one of the defining traits of el Cubanismo.
    It’s one of the reasons why I have always felt like I’m ‘en casa’ there – Dark humour being one of the defining traits of where I’m from too.
    Humour aside, this is an awful and tragic loss of life.
    Condolences to all those who have lost loved ones.

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