Trump Freezes Grants to Cuban Media that Promote Democracy

The loss of funding will make it harder for many Cuban media outlets to tell the story of life on the island. Photo: Juan Suarez

HAVANA TIMES – In the wave of chaos created by Donald Trump’s freezing of all government agency internal and foreign aid programs for 90 days, Cuban media persecuted by the island’s government are part of the casualties. The action must have the Cuban Communist Party celebrating with the prospect of a debilitated independent online media, in the information battle with their monopoly of state media.

One of the agencies temporarily blocked from making approved fund disbursements is USAID, whose democracy promotion programs have been a lifeline to numerous media outlets from Cuba and a host of other nations living under dictatorships.

(Notwithstanding, in past decades, USAID’s role in maintaining dictatorships in numerous countries when they were considered allies of US economic interests, is well documented.)

On Tuesday a federal judge in Washington D.C. blocked the sudden freezing measure for a week to analyze the action and its implications. However, the ball is already rolling, and immediate cutbacks of personnel and programs were already underway for several media and other projects and groups.

The pause in funding also affects assistance to refugees and students of countries like Cuba, suffering the boot of dictatorship in their countries.

While Havana Times has never received any funding from the US or other governments, NGOs or foundations, we are deeply concerned with the effect on other Cuba focused media that have much larger operations and audiences and face the prospect of severe cutbacks.

Read more from Cuba here on Havana Times.

2 thoughts on “Trump Freezes Grants to Cuban Media that Promote Democracy

  • The Trump pause in government funding described in this post has subsequently been withdrawn as of January 30.

  • I am so sorry, and embarrassed that so many US voters put this man in office for very selfish reasons. And now we, including us citizens will pay.
    We are and will fight hard for our democracy.

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