Muslim Brotherhood Remember Nakba and Karameh in Jordan
Special to HT by Julie Webb-Pullman

HAVANA TIMES, May 14 — After Friday prayers, thousands of Jordanians converged on the small Jordanian town of Karameh, site of the bloody battle on March 21, 1968 between Israeli invasion forces, and the combined forces of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation and the Jordanian army.
“Organized by the Muslim Brotherhood, Friday’s event was a peaceful reminder to the world of Palestinians’ right to return to their lands, and of how Palestinians and Jordanians have fought side by side for justice.
Founded in Egypt in 1928, the Muslim Brotherhood is now the largest Islamic organization in the world, with groups in more than 80 countries. They adopted a moderate intellectual line in dealing with various Islamic issues, and although each country has different views, they all endorse various aspects of democracy, while rejecting global jihad.
Both Jordanian and Palestinian flags were very much on display – identical but for the white star on the Jordanian flag.”
Children flew kites, had their faces painted, and generally capered about as their parents listened to speeches, and were entertained with several hours of traditional singing and dancing.
Despite the picnic atmosphere, the message was loud and clear – Palestinians have their keys ready, and plan to return.
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If Cuba could show the Arabs and Jews of that troubled area how a cooperative form of socialism can work, the animosity and disunity between Arabs and Jews might quickly be overcome.
Only “real,” that is, cooperative socialism can bring people together in Israel-Palestine.