Summer on Old Havana’s Obispo St.

Photo Feature by Elio Delgado

Vudu Haitiano

HAVANA TIMES, July 6 – Firstly because of the heat, and then with the school vacations, it’s customary to have the public outdoor fiestas that Cubans enjoy so thoroughly during the summer season.

Some of these accompany community group fairs that are organized to show off to passersby the abilities that residents have learned over the year. Some of these pedestrians are momentary onlookers, while others have a little more time to browse and to ask questions like whether they can bring their children or a niece to take dance lessons, or classes in manual arts, ceramics or some other art form.

On this occasion a group from Santiago from Cuba —Vudu Haitiano, musicians who maintain the traditions of their ancestors— was enjoyed along with the modeling of clothes and swimsuits along a small runway. Though everything was quite modest, it was appreciated by the Old Havana public.


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One thought on “Summer on Old Havana’s Obispo St.

  • Is there enuff permanent exhibition/performance space in all areas of Havana for this stuff? I guess with the adequate housing shortage in Cuba being so apparent, the answer would be ‘no’.

    Sometimes its great to be in the streets — but not when you’d rather be on a stage, I would think.

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