“The Possible Impossible”: Contemporary Dance in Old Havana

Photo Feature by Elio Delgado Valdes  Text by Irina Echarry

RetazosHAVANA TIMES — The room is completely dark. Suddenly, a light settles on a pair of legs moving frantically to and fro. Thus begins Posible imposible (“The Possible Impossible”), a contemporary dance performance co-produced by Sweden’s Memory Wax company and Cuba’s Retazos dance and theater group, which premiered in Havana on Friday, March 7.

Performers from the two companies stage choreographies that play with the border separating the limitless and the finite. The dancers appear to ask themselves, and the audience, about the possible and the impossible: what is a limit? Who establishes it? What happens if we cross it?

Events from the past and present become confused and intertwined. As Migul Azcue’s choreography unfolds, the unexpected happens: space, order, time and control become infused with different concepts, transform themselves to give rise to a different reality – not the illusory one we see on the screen while the dancers perform, but a peculiar reality that each adapts to their own personality.

The work is loaded with emotion, and the audience becomes fully absorbed by the aesthetic dexterity that defines the Retazos company and by its intimate, poetic language. All in all, it was fitting tribute to Memory Wax’s tenth anniversary and an opportunity for Cubans to enjoy good art and reflect on modern society and its vicissitudes.

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2 thoughts on ““The Possible Impossible”: Contemporary Dance in Old Havana

  • There’s plenty of sugar, salt, and soap in Cuba, the limited thing is hard currency. Hotel staff are among the luckiest workers who have direct access to dollars, euros etc. So, for the children, the mother is going to be very happy if you bring shoes. Because in Cuba are expensive and poor quality, some trainers even second hand ones, if you don’t know the size shop bigger than the age. The children are going to love whichever toy novelties that is in fashion in your country right now.
    Finally medicines are always welcome.

  • We are coming to Cuba later this month and would like to bring some “gifts” for the staff at our hotel. What would you suggest as appropriate for a 10 year old girl and a 14 year old boy? Also we have heard that basics like salt, sugar, soap etc. are very limited. Any suggestions would be appreciated…….Thank you….

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