Search Results for: Osmel Almaguer

Fernando Becquer’s “Afro”

With over two decades of artistic life, his major successes just began to bear fruit this past decade. Many of his best known songs are included in his album Cubano por donde tu quieras, recorded under the Bis Music record label.

A Peanut Vender Story

Teresita sells peanuts at the bus stop. She and her only grandson depend on her earnings to survive. She’s formally retired but her Social Security check amounts to nothing.

Cuba in the Baseball World Cup

Given the way baseball is now played in the World Cup, our country’s National Baseball Commission seriously trained a team for the first time in a long time. This has raised hopes among our people, who remain dependent on that “circus” to maintain their illusions.

Cuban Troubadour Ray Fernandez

Ray Fernandez first public success was earned with the song “Lucha tu Yuca” (Struggle for your bread), a piece in which he uses an entertaining analogy between today’s Cubans and our indigenous ancestors to critique the harsh reality of life in the country.

Poetry or Something More Concrete?

At the House of Poetry, I was listening to verses being recited by a Cuban author of some standing when suddenly I noticed a young woman sitting next to me. A “who-knows-what” diverted my attention from the reading long enough for us to exchange looks.

Running Out of Steam

Julio had a promising career in Cuba’s Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR) before being relegated to the reserves due to health problems. From very early on he had participated in two internationalist missions: one in Angola and the other in Ethiopia.