Search Results for: Osmel Almaguer

A Too Expensive Book

Before finishing, the presenter proposed the sale of the book. His copy had a plastic jacket, was of a good size and thickness, and was printed on quality paper.

The Cojimar Gym

My friend Leslie spent about a year doing exercises with weights at a gym. It improved his figure noticeably, eliminating almost all the excess fat around her abdomen and building up muscular mass where it’s needed to show off a good figure.

Raul Torres, Chronicler of His Times

A chronicler of his times, Raul Torres was born in Bayamo, Cuba, but he became known in Matanzas Province. From folk “trova” roots, he has researched the music of diverse regions of the world to incorporate sonorities and melodic elements of jazz as well as Brazilian, African and lately Anglo-Saxon music.

His evolution as an artist has allowed him to extend from a very particular intimate quality to reach positions of social criticism and challenge according to the degree of commitment that he has gradually acquired over the passing years, though without ceasing to uphold poetry and the beauty of life.

Dressing in Cuba

The streets of our country are carpeted with people trying to lead their day-to-day lives while pursuing a dream: to improve their conditions or those of others, either at the merely material level or on the spiritual plane.

The Golden Season of Cuba Baseball

The fiftieth edition of the Cuban National Baseball Series has been dubbed the “Golden Season,” evidently in reference to the round figure it will mark since it has nothing to do with the quality of our national sport.

Happy New Year to All

I just had a wonderful New Year’s. Something happened in my house we hadn’t seen in years. No, it didn’t have to do with any inheritance, nor did anyone hit the lottery. I didn’t stumble upon a briefcase full of money, nor did they give my father a trip abroad.