Search Results for: Osmel Almaguer

Raulito: A Special Donor

To be a regular blood donor is now a quite remarkable task, keeping in mind the difficulties of securing sufficient food, the unpleasantness of having a needle stuck in your body and the almost totally free character of the donation.

Cuban Singer William Vivanco

His lyrics are sharp and fearless. Vivanco is clearly not detached from his reality; instead he uses it, as he says in one refrain, like “a bell at the tip of the whip.”

Un-learning What We Know

For the majority of us artists who were born and grew up in the inner provinces of the country, Havana presents itself as a city of great opportunities for one to realize ourselves.

A River, a Book and a Lynching Attempt

Although it sometimes seems unbelievable to us, still today, in the Cuba of the 21st century, there occur events fitting of medieval life, an age when scientists and women with uncommon features — under the suspicion of heresy — were persecuted and burned at the stake.

Taboos & Truths on Homosexuality in Cuba

Havana Times interviewed 20-year-old Angel Raicel Merencio Llanes, from Ciego de Avila province. This freshman English student at the University of Havana is a former member of the Tony Menendez Dance Company, and he’s homosexual.

A Visit by a Cuban

When I got there I found him conversing peacefully with my father in his front room. At first I didn’t recognize him, so I said hi somewhat indifferently.

Frank Delgado, Sometimes Pressured, Sometimes Tolerated

This Cuban singer-songwriter, a native of the country town of Mines de Matahambre in Pinar del Rio province, belongs to the Nueva Trova movement. Among his followers are several generations of Cubans, not only for his songs that are pleasing to the ear, but for his intelligent compositions and because he is — as he says — a “committed singer.”