Search Results for: Osmel Almaguer

A “New” Havana Bus Alternative

An intelligent initiative has begun to bear fruit for the ill-treated bus passenger from the Alamar neighborhood. This involves a bus route, formerly known as the cuarentiñas (“forty little ones,” because the fare used to be forty centavos, or about two cents USD).

The Mother Who Rents Her Daughter

Near my house there’s a woman who rents her eight-month-old daughter to people willing to pay in order to prevent them from having to stand in lines. Both sides — the mother and the customers — are acting in ways that are eroding the little bit of courtesy that still remains among people in Cuba.

Future Cars of the Past in Cuba

In a country of utopias and paradoxes like Cuba, we dream about what we can’t have, and we reject what would allow us to advance. As for the much-discussed issue of transportation, it’s the same situation, and its effects on our lives are as follows…

Cuba’s Official Hitchhiking

Hitching in Cuba is regulated by the state. Pick-up points were established near some bus stops where inspectors (known as azules, or “blues,” which is the color of their uniforms) have been positioned to stop any government-owned car and fill extra seats with passengers who need a lift.