Search Results for: Aurelio Pedroso

The Mississippi, a Cuban River

Not long ago, we were visited at home by a 13-year-old boy who had gone through six years of elementary education and was in his first year of junior high school (seventh grade, in other words). The young boy surprised me by his deportment and good manners.

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Cuba/Yoani Sanchez: The Miamerry-go-round

Some deserve respect, others a hearing, others reproach; others are to laugh at, others to be pitied. The riders on the anti-Castro merry-go-round in Miami deserve a place in the Guinness Book of Records as people who, forever in motion, can never reach a final destination.

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Cuba Faces Shortage of Repair People

Although I have no firm proof, Cuba might be one of the few countries where finding the good (or terrible) services of a trades person requires a great deal of patience, pleading, luck, and even that old supplication “do me the favor, for your mother’s sake” – even though you may live to regret it, in many cases.

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