April Postcards from Havana, Cuba (38 fotos)

Photo Feature by Ernesto Gonzalez Diaz
HAVANA TIMES – Images all taken this past April, in a city that between inflation, shortages of all kinds, and the desperation of the youth, struggles not to succumb.
Pictures from the “La Victoria” neighborhood, on the border of Belascoain and Carlos III Streets. The eternal US cars and bicycle taxis. Images of the accelerated construction of a hotel that will be the tallest building in Cuba. Children playing soccer, the Cuban flag and the goalkeeper in flip flops. The intersection of G and 23rd streets. The depreciated and dilapidated Hotel Habana Libre showing a huge Cuban flag. A centennial mansion with a huge succulent in the garden. The UNEAC park at 17th and H.
How much more beautiful Havana, and all Cuba for that matter, would be with an infision of capital and free enterprise uninhibited by political correctness.