Havana Contrasts (58 photos)

By Ernesto Gonzalez Diaz
HAVANA TIMES – The urban landscape of Havana, fundamentally in the municipalities of Centro Habana and Old Havana, shows sharp contrasts in terms of its conservation.
Along with magnificently preserved buildings, which show their architectural values to the full, there are others that also had architectural relevance, in ruins or in a deplorable state. These last buildings have been victims of the negligence and apathy of the authorities and in some cases of their residents, often due to their great economic limitations and a lack of building materials available.
Many of the well-preserved buildings that we show in these images belong to state entities, others are residential buildings, which maintain their good state of conservation thanks to the people who inhabit them. You can also see how modern buildings are being built, mainly hotels belonging to the main military corporation, on the ruins and foundations of one that no longer exists.
La Habana – Looking very sad but still rather beautiful .. .. ..