Visual Delusions

Photo feature by Ernesto Gonzalez Diaz

HAVANA TIMES – A small train station, an elevated bridge over Rancho Boyeros Avenue, and a railroad crossing also in Boyeros served as a pretext for this photographic essay. It aims to show images with a somewhat surreal style in most cases, where lines are the fundamental element used in the composition.

Lines, rhythm, perspective and visual drama constitute the basic ingredients of these images. Surrealism is a pictorial style that mixes the real with the dreamlike. An empty tunnel, a terrifying night road, an amazing scene where horses, cars and people appear in a strange dimension. A passageway made up of trees that seem to threaten us. High voltage towers aligned and forming a compact block, among other elements make up this set of images. Images that generate unease, even fear and terror.

Scenes that have not been altered; all are images as they came out of reality. When being worked with the effects of the lens, they cause those dreamlike sensations.

(Click on an image to display the gallery.)

One thought on “Visual Delusions

  • Beautiful. Your photos are really great. Thanks for sharing.s

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