Irina Echarry

Cuba: A New Book on Operation Peter Pan

Havana’s Casa de las Americas Center has kicked off the New Year with the launching of a controversial book: Estela and Ernesto Bravos’ Operacion Peter Pan, cerrando el circulo en Cuba (“Operation Peter Pan: Closing the Circle in Cuba”).

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Havana’s Beauty and Cuban Culture Pageant

“Good evening everyone. My name is Jorge Landa, and this is the second Beauty and Cuban Culture Pageant. It is an honor to be able to welcome you to our show tonight.” Thus began the evening at Havana’s Teatro America on the last Saturday of 2013. (24 photos)

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Brouwer and Milanes: A Duo to Remember

“It’s him, he’s going to play!” some surprised members of the audience exclaimed on seeing renowned Cuban musician Leo Brouwer walk on stage, after many years of being absent from Cuba’s stage as a performer. (24 photos)

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