Marlene Azor Hernandez

Gender Violence in Cuba: There Isn’t Reliable Data

A recent survey about gender equality, presented to the National Assembly’s current legislative body, confirms that 27% of the population surveyed has suffered acts, both physical and psychological, of gender violence in the past 12 months. The survey carried out in 2016 has yet to be published and only some fragments of data are known.

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The Aptitude of Cuba’s Lawmakers

University degrees in Political Sciences or Public Administration don’t exist here in Cuba. Some postgraduate degrees in Public Administration are taught by Economy and Law professors who try to train up public officials in how to manage an institutionalism that has been inherited from the Soviet Union.

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Cuban Socialism and the Asiatic Mode of Production

Talking about what is meant by “Cuban socialism” is taboo for Cuban public opinion. Political commissars who use this term do so making word associations but they never define concepts. Its principles are just as vague and so flexible that they can be applied in practice in cases that are the exact opposite of what they preach.

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Cuba “Seizes” the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The Cuban government has banned the Universal Declaration of Human Rights from being spread in Cuba. It also doesn’t allow the Cuban public to learn about the Conventions which the government has ratified and much less the state of compliance with the Conventions which it has to apply to its national legislation as a Member State, once they have been ratified.

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The Cuban government’s double discourse

Using two faces when it comes to Human Rights in Cuba, the government has long banned the issue of Human Rights being discussed in national public opinion, while it defends itself before the United Nations, claiming that it respects them.

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Cuba Violates Convention against Torture

Today, October 28th, Cuba hopes to be chosen once again for the UN Human Rights Council. However, the Cuban government still hasn’t ratified the International Covenant on Economic, Social, Cultural, Civil and Political Rights that it signed back in 2008.

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