Rogelio Manuel Diaz Moreno

My Days at the Havana Book Fair

Once again, I asked my hospital for days off so I could go and enjoy the literary fair over these past days. That didn’t stop me from having to help out in some neurosurgical operations where stereotaxy is used, which is what do.

Cuba’s Economy and Cures for Fear

Last week, we learned about an unexpected meeting of our highest powers. Certain documents were being discussed for some time now, which didn’t seem to bring about change in the lives of us ordinary mortals very quickly. The Cuban Government has written out its Guidelines and Concepts, destined to define the path our country takes and its future development plans; but very few changes were immediately created as a result.

Advertising, Consumption and Standardization in Cuba

The “standardization” process which our country is experiencing is rubbing its impetus right in our face. We don’t have to dig deep into hidden philosophies in order to confirm its progress. The new “normal” flashes its banners, explicit graphic symbols, so as to leave no doubt about it being an irreversible process.

You Can’t Choose Your Own Potatoes

A lot of people have to rack their brains today with Cuban reality, which is in some way, let’s say, picturesque. The theory behind it is founded on deep spiritual categories, with high resounding words and idealism which are like those of priests.

Making Cuba’s Revolution Important (part 2)

The persona of Fidel Castro has created and will continue to create polarity. Powerful interests were affected in some way or another in the areas which were touched by his life. Objective assessments and analyses about his legacy will be unfeasible for a long time.

Making Cuba’s Revolution Important (1)

Without a doubt, the biggest news event of 2016 in Cuba, was the death of Fidel Castro. I remember that around midnight on November 25th, I was walking with some friends of mine. We were strolling along Miramar’s 5th Avenue when some young kids, almost teenagers, passed us by.

One More Cheer for Neighborhood Journalism

For such beautiful work, we already know that they will end up receiving an awful quota of whiplashes. They commit the sin of living out all of their fancies, without anyone putting restrictions on their liberty or the service they provide us with their work.