Author: Erasmo Calzadilla

My Own Crash on Monday

On Monday, August 24, the world’s main stock markets suffered their worst trading in years. What I would like to focus on, however, is the collapse of my own “company” a mere week later.

“She Likes Gasoline”: On Latin America and the Coming Energy Crisis

Over the past ten years, reggaeton singers have changed the idea we’d long had about Latin American music. Their music videos are full of adrenaline, aggressiveness, sexual arousal, speed, fast motorcycles, sport cars, luxurious yachts and lascivious young men. One of Daddy Yankee’s popular pieces (where the title of this post comes from) offers us a clue as to the underpinnings of all this.

Greece Succumbs, the Outcome Was Written

Analysts that believe that the crisis is irreversible due to the global energy decline, predicting a dark future for Greece, were right on target. If politicians and the Greek people had listened to those predictions the path taken would have been different.

Cuba: When Silence Kills

In the case of cancer, however, the “enemy” isn’t outside but within. To combat it, the State-Party-government would have to begin by criticizing its own values and foundational principles, and to go against its own interests as governing elite.

Cancer in Cuba: The Other Side of the Tortilla

In 2012, following an accelerated rise, Cancer became the leading cause of death in Cuba. In 2013 the upward climb continued, and in 2014 it climbed with even greater might: 23,729 lives cut short over a 12 month period – 747 more than the previous year.