Author: Rosa Martínez

Nothing to Take to a Sick Friend

I don’t know whether this has ever happened to you too, but I haven’t gone to see a loved one in the first few days of their sickness because my financial situation hasn’t allowed me to buy a juice, malanga or something else we normally take to the afflicted on the island.

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Cuba Says NO to Force

When I read the headlines on several media here, the first thing I thought was: of course, they don’t give a damn if we continue to fight with the yumas (USA) since at the end of the day, they (the highest in command, those who decide the country’s future) have everything they need, their families too.

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The English Arrived

A few months ago, two young English couples, who had decided to visit Guantanamo city on their way to Baracoa, the main tourist attraction in the province, wanted to first stop by my home in order to meet my family.

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Between stories and photos…

A few weeks ago, Gissel, my youngest daughter, brought a classmate home to spend the Saturday with our family. As it was the first time she had visited us, we decided to prepare a decent lunch, within our possibilities of course.

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