Havana Weather for September 19-25
Highs between 28 and 32°C (82 and 90°F), while lows will be 23 and 24°C (73 and 75°F). The sea surface temperature will be 30°C (86°F).
Highs between 28 and 32°C (82 and 90°F), while lows will be 23 and 24°C (73 and 75°F). The sea surface temperature will be 30°C (86°F).
Since 2018, the Ortega dictatorship has sharpened its persecution against all Nicaraguans it considers opposed in any way to its mandate.
Cienfuegos, Cuba resident: “Our diet is terrible, we eat whatever we can get hold of and not what our bodies need.”
“Our main aim was always to be very outspoken and loud on LGBTQ issues. Every year we used to hold a Pride Week…”
The deterioration of movie theaters in Cuba is a shared sorrow. In Havana, my city, the sadness overtakes you when you least expect it…
I have always heard it’s good to have an aquarium with tropical fish. It can be an honorable hobby, a pastime with an artistic touch…
During the 57th session of the Human Rights Council, experts point to a systematic deterioration of human rights in Nicaragua.
The Communist Party regime seeks scorched earth and seems willing to continue increasing the number of political prisoners…
Dayron vigorously scrubs the inside of the tank and an orange liquid with a strong chemical smell comes out. The risk of buying a used tank.
If we were to recount the things that have changed here in Havana since the pandemic, we could make a long list.