Author: Nonardo Perea

From the Sublime to the Erotic

De lo sublime a lo erotico (“From the Sublime to the Erotic”) featuring self-taught artist Rody Enriquez Alonso, opened last weekend at Havana’s Fayad Jamis gallery – in spite of the bad weather. The pieces of two guest artists, Mileidy Moran and Raimundo Lopez Silva, are also on display at the gallery. (7 photos)

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Cuba: Yoani Sanchez at the Round Table

As far as I know, Yoani Sánchez, the woman in question, has repeatedly called for the lifting of the blockade imposed on Cuba. I want to point out that I am not a follower of Sánchez’, or of any other blogger for that matter. I have only read two or three of her posts and they have struck me as accurate and sincere.

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Beyonce in Cuba, Why the Silence?

The other day, I was going to visit my mother and by chance I decided to get off the bus that was going to drop me at Fraternity Park. From there I could see an agglomeration of people on the ground floor of the Saratoga Hotel, and since I’m curious, I decided to go over there. The stir was over the supposed presence of Beyoncé.

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From Cuba on Chavez’s Cancer

My father died in 2000. His cancer started in his colon, a situation that led to an operating room where the doctors removed the polyps that had invaded that part of his body. After surgery they said the operation had been a success.

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A Cuban Says No to Violence

I’m someone who thinks that aggression of any kind is bad and that it doesn’t lead anywhere. The worst thing is that I can see violence is increasing here these days, especially among younger people. I’ve unwittingly found myself in the middle of unwanted situations.

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