Author: Caridad

The Gazes of Venezuelan Children

These photos are part of one of those projects I never seem to finish – not because I don’t want to, but because I always find a new gaze to capture and refuse to declare my work concluded. (21 photos)

Is Venezuela Turning into an Island?

I wonder whether, in a few months, Venezuelans will feel as though they live on an island. If I’m able to travel to Cuba any time in the future – and I do hope it’s soon – I’ll have to think twice about it, go over the decision to travel months in advance (and, more than think, put together a whole lot of money).

Caracas Fire Fighters to the Rescue

I’ll make a point of looking at the pine tree facing my room more often. Actually, I already do this several times a day. It’s something unavoidable for me: I sit down in front of the computer to get some work done, look out the window and set my eyes on the pine tree. (16 fotos)

Finally Some Good News from Venezuela

The nearly incessant and deafening noises made by fireworks and firecrackers make Venezuela’s New Year’s celebrations a very stressful time for cats and dogs (and for other species, myself included, as well). Recently, however, I read some good news for these animals we call “pets.” (21 photos)

Venezuela: Power Cuts, Elections and Shopping Sprees

As the Venezuelan government recently “realized” that product prices at many stores are sky-high and announced a battle against speculators, and shoppers go wild looking for bargains, preparations are in place for the Sunday December 8 municipal elections throughout the country.

Christian Socialism and the Venezuelan Elections

The beatification of Dr. José Gregorio Hernandez (Venezuela 1864-1919) is one of the causes that Nicolas Maduro has pursued since assuming the presidency. Several days ago he approved 150 million bolivars to finish the construction of a sanctuary dedicated to this saint-doctor of the poor.