Culture, Sports, Events

How can I find the dates and locations for Cuban rodeos?

There are several ways to find out the dates and locations of rodeos in Cuba. Since rodeos are usually associated with agricultural fairs, one source of information about the dates and locations of rodeos – specifically at Rancho Boyeros, Havana’s most important rodeo site – is through the Empresa de Ferias Agropecuarias (Livestock Fair Enterprise).

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How do I find out the Jazz Calendar in Havana?

Cuba is a great place for Jazz and has become known worldwide for its Havana International Jazz Festival – Jazz Plaza. Organized by the internationally renowned Cuban jazz musician Chuchu Valdés and sponsored by the Cuban Institute of Music, the festival displays the creative link between Cuban rhythm an jazz, which goes back to the late 19th century when newly freed slaves emigrated to New Orleans.

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Is Catholic Mass available for tourists staying in Varadero?

The Catholic Church in Varadero (Matanzas Province) is St. Elvira’s Church. It was formerly headed by Father Ivon Bastaranche, who sadly passed away this month (January 2011). It is not yet clear who will be his successor. The phone number of the church is (53-45) 612349, and you could call to get details about mass and other activities.

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How can I Study for a Dance PhD in Cuba?

I have just completed my Masters of Fine Arts Degree in Dance Studies at the School of Performing Arts, University of Ghana, Legon in Ghana and want to continue to pursue my PhD in your University. What process must I follow?

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Marabana Marathon 2010 Latest Info.

A HT reader wrote in that she was having difficulties getting information for registration in the upcoming Marabana Marathon in the Cuban capital this Sunday Nov. 21. Here’s the question and our answer:

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