Cuba is well aware of the value of service animals, especially service dogs, and the tremendous assistance they can provide. Towards this end, Cuba has an Escuela Nacional de Técnica Canina (National School for Canine Skills), coming under the Ministry of the Interior (which includes Cuba’s fire fighters, among others), which trains dogs for police work, drug control at Cuba’s international airports and other installations, rescue work in the event of natural disasters (earthquakes, hurricanes, etc. as part of the country’s Civil Defence system), and so forth. Some of the programs at the Escuela Nacional de Técnica Canina involve a three-year period of study, with each student being matched with each dog, taking into consideration the characteristics of both. In these cases, the dogs live with the students in their homes, as part of the study program includes how to care for and train the dogs with whom they’ll be working. Given the nature of this school, it would not be possible to work directly with them.