Carlos Fraguela’s Diary

Some Curious Facts About a Cuban Butterfly

I have many friends who are biologists and have become something of a self-taught biologist thanks to this. Years ago, one of these friends told me an amazing story about an insect found in Cuba. It is a butterfly which I took a long time to identify as such.

Cuba’s Extraordinary Sea Spiders

When they walk across the bottom of the fish tank, they do so very slowly. Sometimes, however, they let the currents move them and make swimming movements that are very funny. They move stealthily among seaweeds in search of planktonic preys or sweep the sea bottom in search of any organic matter they can eat. (6 photos)

Yet Another Amazing Marine Creature in Cuba

The polychaet I recently had in my aquarium is an amazing animal nearly everyone recognizes. It ended up in my fish tank on the request of my nephew who, scuba diving with me one day, suggested I take it home to marvel at its behavior. (10 photos)

The Living Treasures of my Aquarium

Few people in Cuba have the privilege (or the time) to enjoy something as fascinating as the marine world in their own homes. Though it isn’t exactly easy, setting up an aquarium is far from impossible, and the resources I invest into my fish-tanks seem trifles to me when I set them against the pleasures of observing nature in the comfort of my own home. (8 photos)

Comb Jellies Colonize My Fish Tank

More than a year ago, I took on the challenge of building an aquarium at home. This has brought me no few surprises and many “discoveries” about the animal world. I’d been observing and photographing small organisms without considerable difficulties until a micro-predator was introduced into my fish tank. (8 photos)