Elio Delgado-Legon’s Diary

I Can’t Understand this World

I must confess that in spite of there only being three months left until my 81st birthday and having spent the second half of my life tied to the news, I am still worried about the world’s current situation and vehemently wish inequality ends and that I don’t have to see any more images of useless wars.

Cuban Farmers, an Important Group in Civil Society

I was really shocked when I read the news that the National Association of Small Farmers (ANAP) here in Cuba was excluded, along with the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDRs), from taking part in the Civil Society Forum that will be held in Lima, Peru, as part of the VII Summit of the Americas, in April.

Is Cuba the only Country with Problems?

Critics of the Cuban Revolution, of its political system and government keep on mentioning “Cuba’s problems” in articles and comments that they publish on different platforms, which, in the abstract, would lead readers to believe that Cuba is a country full of problems…

Socialism: the People’s System

Since many years ago, there is a battle of ideas of colossal dimensions in this world. On the Left are those who defend the most just ideas. On the Right, you find those who defend Capitalism’s ideas, with different nuances.

General Elections in Cuba Sunday March 11th

On Sunday, March 11, the second stage of the general elections will be held in Cuba, which, as every five years, calls citizens to vote to elect all the deputies to the National Assembly of People’s Power (parliament), as well as well as the delegates to the Provincial and Municipal Assemblies.

Unity in the Cuban Revolution

Some people criticize the fact that there aren’t disagreements and debates in the Cuban Parliament because someone is against some law or article being approved. But far from being reprehensible, this unanimity communicates the unity that exists in the Cuban Revolution.