Erasmo Calzadilla’s Diary

Alba Rico, Syria and the Black Hole

Without beating around the bush, Santiago Alba Rico denounces the criminal role of governments and the “Western” media, but he also recognizes and supports the existence of a genuine and justified popular insurrection against the Syrian government.

A Week on Vacation

This is another chapter of our vacation at a “Campismo Popupar” campground in Cienfuegos Province. Chronologically, we should have started here, but we’re no less crazy than the rest of this crazy world. (19 photos)

A Final Exam in Spanish Literature

I just got back after a week in Cienfuegos Province. We rented a cabin at a “Campismo Popular” camping facility and while there hiked in the Sierra del Escambray Mountains. We brought back a lot of stories that we’ll be sharing.

Vegetables in Cuba Might Not Be Healthy

During the crisis of the 1990s, with the shortage of fuel for transporting food from the countryside to the city, the government opted for intensive urban agriculture. Given its delicate nature, this strategy has become a “political” issue, and herein lies the danger since almost no one dares to question it.

Inorganic Solution

When I was teaching at Mantilla High School, I had to work side-by-side with a guy named Gonzalo, who was one of the few survivors of the massive teachers flight out of the field of education – not necessarily into tourism…but to anywhere.

The Price of Food in Cuba

In this state of chronic disinformation, perpetual news media manipulation and isolation in which the typical Cuban lives, if you want to break the informational blockade you have to become expert at decoding sources, while not despising any of them – no matter how disgusting they appear.

Making Us Feel Like Kids

Making Us Feel Like Kids is my answer to the question of what the police are seeking when they stop us and ask us for our personal documents while on the busiest streets in town?

Breaking Inertia by Inertia

I’ve gone a while without writing. I had to concentrate on coming up with a some quick pesos, which sometimes isn’t easy. As a result — being outside the realm of news, blogs, activism and reflection — I lost my momentum.

Even if They Discover Oil in Cuba

Saturday morning I woke up as fresh as a daisy and ready for spiritual solace, but there was no gas for cooking. According to the ration book, we still had an allocation, so I found myself with no excuse to keep me from heading out for the tank refill center here in the Alamar neighborhood.