Irina Pino’s Diary

Toc Toc: an Opportunity to Laugh at the Theater in Havana

Obsessive compulsive disorders cause a lot of harm. It makes people uneasy to watch others who suffer from these kinds of disorders… although this time, it takes the play written by French playwright Laurent Baffie as its basis, which made its debut with Cuban theater company A teatro limpio.

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Farewell Aunty Aurora

Last year brought me a lot of joy: my latest book was published, I traveled, I shared moments with friends and relatives, events that all give life some kind of meaning. This 2019 has only brought me painful events, illness, accidents, people who meant something to me have passed away.

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Carlitos’ Brief Time on this Earth

Carlitos, the “Box Loader”, has passed away. A neighbor told me the news. It left me stunned. After a highly emotional silence, these words erupted from me: But, what happened? He was young, only 40-something years old, active, full of energy.

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The Havana Biennial: Before y Now (video)

The Havana Biennial is a contemporary arts festival that used to be held every two years, then it became every three years. It is organized by the Wilfredo Lam Contemporary Arts Center in Old Havana. Enjoy this tour of the recently concluded event.

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Being a Full-Time Nurse in Cuba

It’s been a while since I’ve written anything for Havana Times, some readers might have thought that I had got tired of writing. The thing is, though, that my mother suffered a fracture and I am looking after her around the clock.

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The Loss of Havana’s Titanic

Riomar is maybe a Titanic with the vast sea behind, sometimes calm, other times stormy. However, indifference is the storm that is making it crumble away, the salty air is just a undercover agent. It was a luxurious Titanic once upon a time, moored in Miramar, Havana.

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Blondie: Two Concerts in Havana (Video)

Blondie in Havana! That really did come as a surprise for Cuban fans! We thought that it was just another rumor, like many other times there’s been talk about different famous bands coming, but then the national press and social media confirmed it. It really was going to happen!

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