Mercedes Gonzalez’s Diary

Water and its Price

People are tense with the news of a new “special period” crisis, and no wonder! If we already have problems with our water supply, what are things going to be like from now on?

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Booking a Vacation in Cuba

I try and book my holidays every year at Los Cocos, a campsite that has two cabins built specifically to accommodate people with special needs. For two months I was calling up their offices daily to find out when they’ll start selling bookings for the summer.

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Girls or Barbies

I live in the same building as two little girls who are both modern just like their mothers. These darlings are around 4 years old and even though they’re from the same family and live in the same apartment, they’re being brought up very differently.

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My Son’s Rights and Child Support in Cuba

Some time ago, I wrote about how soft Cuban legislation is when it comes to child support payments by divorced parents. I mentioned the example of Carlito’s father, who has turned his back on his obligations, and my efforts to revert this situation.

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Havana’s Ghost Buses: The Joke was on Us

After painstakingly arriving at Havana’s Karl Marx Theater with the aid of my son, I was able to buy tickets for a show that had been announced on television. There were many other people wanting to get tickets as well, as is often the case with comedy shows…

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