Regina Cano’s Diary

Cats in Old Havana

Walking through the historic part of the city always stimulates taking a good look around you, because if you don’t stay abreast of its changes it will seem at some point that you’re no longer in it. (17 photos)

Reggae in Alamar Honoring Marcus Garvey

Apparently Alamar residents and everyone else interested will be able to enjoy a reggae concert in honor of the birth of Marcus Garvey, on Friday, August 17, between 8:30 pm and 11:00 pm, with a cover change of 5.00 pesos MN.

Mario and Company

Some young kids of around six and seven years of age were surprised as they dragged along pieces and parts of a property-line fence through a walkway in one Havana community.

An Art Fair for Mom

The now traditional Mother’s Day Art Fair was held here in Havana — this time at the Pabexpo Center — with a surprisingly increased level of artistic and professional diversity achieved by Cuban craftspeople, artists and creators. (31 photos)

Mrs. Death Died

Legal or “bureaucratic issues” (as they’re also called) have in different ways, at different moments and for a long time robbed us Cubans of our lives, youth, adulthood and old age; particularly those issues having to do with housing, which I think surpass others by a large margin.

Cuba’s Pigeon Breeders

One can go through the neighborhoods of Havana and see kids (teenagers) looking up toward the sky, observing, or better said, looking for something. For those who are unfamiliar, this seems like something lacking an explanation.