Caridad’s Diary

Motorcyles Get Around Venezuela’s Monster Traffic

Though automobile prices are sky-high, Venezuela is still one of the Latin American countries with the most cars per inhabitant. As one might expect, Venezuelan roads become jammed in the morning and afternoon rush hours. This is what has made Venezuela’s moto-cabs, or motorcycles plain and simple, a near-indispensable means of transportation. (24 photos)

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In Caracas, Even Squirrels Are to Be Feared

The Facebook account I opened when I arrived in Caracas lists around 200 people under the category of Friends. Truth is, I’d be surprised if I actually knew more than 5 of them personally. Since things have been extremely tense this week, I posted a photo I thought would help people relax a bit.

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Opposition in Venezuela: Pots & Pans and Dead Chavistas

I’m in Venezuela, I have Venezuelan friends, my girlfriend is Venezuelan and I don’t want to see any of them beaten or killed. And of course I hope nothing happens to me either. I’m Cuban and while not on a government Mission, if the shit hits the fan nobody is going to ask me what I’m doing in Venezuela.

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Death While Outside of Cuba

There was something I always thought about the first time I left Cuba. I was only gone for 11 months, but since it was my first time I was away from my family (not counting the rural boarding-schools), I was a little afraid of what might happen while away from them and my friends.

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They Did It, Sabino Is Now Dead

The phone rang earlier than usual. A friend had called to share the news that left me wanting to scream, but at the same time I was stunned. I cried out the pain, shocked, because one is always left like that when someone dies violently, unexpectedly.

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The Lucky Tourist Visa

As my tourism visa here in Venezuela expired a couple of weeks ago (it’s completely illegal to work with only a tourist visa), I needed to get a “Rif” at the National Integrated Customs and Tax Administration (SENIAT) office. The “Rif” is the Fiscal Information Registry, which is needed for any work or serious business activity.

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The Ugly House

The opportunity to live alone is something that, for many Cubans, is as impossible as finding God inside a church. When I first came to Caracas, I was worried because I knew that I didn’t have a definite place to stay.

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Praying in the Streets of Caracas

Is Hugo Chavez Alive? This is the question continually being repeated by the media inside and outside of Venezuela. The idea that his death is only a matter of medical devices that can be disconnected with the whistle of an order is the news being featured in Caracas newspapers.

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Christmas Devours Caracas

Two men in underwear — each pair emblazoned with the US flag — were hitting each other indulgently in a boxing ring. In front of the big screen on which they appeared, a Christmas tree was swaying chaotically.

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Sunsets on the Savanna

The vast Venezuelan savanna extends for hundreds of miles. At this time of year, the dry season, not all of the grass is that pleasing color of green. That’s why it was perhaps better to look towards the clouds, the sky and the sunsets – which I’m sharing with you. (12 photos)

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