Caridad’s Diary

Homophobia a la Chavez?

Sometimes he’s dressed up like a woman, others times he’s placed naked with blacks eager to “sodomize” him. They dress him in butterfly wings or feature him half-naked and stunted under the legs of a muscular and almighty Chavez.

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Cuba, Between Castaway and Miracles

There’s a joke that, unfortunately, reminds me of Cuba. It’s old and really doesn’t get a big laugh. There’s a man in the middle of the ocean. His boat capsized and he’s barely managing to hold onto a thin piece of wood that won’t keep floating for too long.

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Dance Schools in Venezuela

These last few weeks I’ve been visiting two schools of ballet and dance, here in Caracas. There are girls so small you can hardly see them on stage and others more grown that are beginning to surprise with their talent. (19 photos)

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A Sleeping Bag Full of Dreams

If I had to store all my dreams in one place, I don’t think a sack would hold half of them. I’m not referring to what we usually do when we want to escape from the present: daydreaming. I’m talking about the dreams we have at night

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Cuban Doctors Aren’t the Same Anymore

This wasn’t the first time that Virgen talked to me about when she visited Cuba. About 12 years ago she went to my country accompanying her sister who was receiving medical treatment .But it wasn’t only in Havana where Virgen first befriended Cuban doctors. (10 photos)

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Breathing Gas Fumes in Venezuela

Since arriving in Caracas, I’ve gone from having one flu to another. I live next to a highly trafficked avenue, but I go out almost every day, either walking or taking the bus or the subway. My contact with “reality” is almost complete, though it seems like the flu is part and parcel of that reality. (7 photos)

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