
Nicaragua Legislature Rejects Initiative to Revoke Canal Law

The secretary’s office of the National Assembly has rejected the citizens’ initiative to repeal Law #840, which ratifies the Canal concession and the related land expropriations. It declared itself “legally incapable” of processing the request presented on April 7 by the rural movement known as the National Council for the Defense of our Land, Lake and National Sovereignty.

Over 28,000 Signatures against Nicaragua Canal Law

Francisca Ramirez, a farmer from La Fonseca, Nueva Guinea, said that the rural residents would exhaust all national legal channels to demand the repeal of law 840. “We’re going to continue to insist, and we’ll issue an ultimatum, because we’re prepared to hold work stoppages if they don’t listen.

AirBnB Nicaragua: a Hotel in Your Home

In the last days of March, Roger Boniche attended an extraordinary event in Cuba. The Rolling Stones, one of the most influential bands in the history of Rock, offered a concert in Havana on the heels of President Barack Obama’s visit. The 40-year-old orthodontist didn’t want to miss this event, so he flew to the island to witness it first-hand. While he was enjoying the music of the British rockers, he earned money by renting out his house through AirBnB. He posted an ad on the site, and the company did the rest for him.

Signatures Demand Repeal of Nicaragua Canal Law

The National Council for the Defense of the Land, Lake and Sovereignty, made up mainly of rural residents from the central and south Caribbean areas of Nicaragua, finalized the collection of 6,000 notarized signatures needed to bring the Council’s proposed initiative to repeal Law #840 to the National Assembly.