
Zoilamérica Ortega: “No girl close to Daniel Ortega is out of harm’s reach”

Following news of the sexual abuse and rape charges brought against the country’s leader by Elvia Junieth Flores Castillo and Patricia Jeannette Ortega Prado, Zoilamérica Ortega Murillo, the adoptive daughter of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega, decided to offer statements describing the sexual abuse she claims she suffered at the hands of the man who raised her and continues to be married to her mother, Rosario Murillo.

Nicaragua Expels Nearly 2000 Cubans

Nicaragua militarized its southern border with Costa Rica following an attempt on Sunday by nearly two thousand Cubans immigrants to enter the Central American country’s territory, reported dpa news. The immigrants are mostly en route north to the United States to take advantage of the Cuban Ajustment Act.

The Nicaragua Canal Project and the Populations Scheduled to be Displaced

Last week we brought you “The Archaeological Damage Posed by the Nicaragua Canal Project,” as the topic of the US $50 billion mega-project has proven to be of much interest to readers on our mainly Cuba oriented website. Today we bring you another article on the canal, the result of an extensive study by the “Network for Democracy and Local Development,” first published by Envio magazine.

How Nicaragua’s Canal Project is Portrayed in Cuba

For days, I’ve been hearing comments about protests in Nicaragua that seem suspiciously ill-intentioned. Since I know Cuban leaders adore Daniel Ortega, frequently praising and paying tribute to him and his administration – I decided to conduct a search for news or opinion pieces about Nicaragua’s inter-oceanic canal project published in Cuba. My intention was not to dispel any doubts, but to reaffirm my confidence in our press.