
Why So Many Rebellions?

The world is witnessing with astonishment a series of popular rebellions: France, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Chile, Hong Kong, Iraq, Lebanon, Bolivia, and Haiti have seen multitudinous protests, each with its particular origin, that have provoked diverse responses.

Male, Cuban and Black

Myths and stereotypes have been passed down from generation to generation ever since the early 19th century and, even though they take the latest guise, discrimination against black and mixed-race people in today’s Cuba continues to be perpetuated.

The Highest Goal for Nicaragua

If this change is achieved, what comes immediately, is a titanic task: to get out of the chaos, to straighten such a twisted country, to fight corruption that takes refuge in every corner, to shape the conditions required to be able to make our way towards the future, and above all, avoid being diverted towards another frustration.