
Ortega’s Police Abduct Residents in Ometepe and Masaya

At least eight people suspected of participating in opposition demonstrations were arrested over the weekend in police operations executed on the island of Ometepe, once considered an oasis of peace and growing tourist destination, and Masaya the former capital of Nicaraguan arts & crafts.

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Police Brand Nicaraguan Student Edwin Carcache as a “Terrorist Leader”

Senior Commissioner, Farlen Roa, second in command at the feared interrogation prison known as El Chipote, accused Carcache of being the leader of a “terrorist” band that committed aggravated robbery, obstruction of government functions, facilitating tax evasion, illegal possession of firearms, attempted homicide, very serious injuries and fires to the detriment of the State of Nicaragua.

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Nicaragua’s VP Rosario Murillo Speaks

The following is for our readers who may support the government of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo in its effort to squash the civic rebellion in Nicaragua but who are unable to read (in Spanish) the daily noon time speeches of Murillo. In this segment of her speech on Monday the vice president had the following to say…

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A Young Cuban Man and his Two Fathers

Our morbid society says that our protagonist should have broken down in tears, telling us about the horrible events and obstacles his father and his father’s gay partner have faced, his voice choking with emotion. However, Guido Asenjo Valdes not only exuberates happiness every time he smiles, but is also surprised by the questions that he has never even asked himself.

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Nicaragua Solidarity Caravan Reports on its Impact in Europe

The impact of the Informative Caravan in Solidarity with Nicaragua, that has travelled through various countries of the European Union, has been slow but significant. Madelaine Caracas explained that little by little the media, human rights organizations and left-wing political parties, opened the door to putting the issue of Nicaragua and the repression of Daniel Ortega’s regime that has cause more than 300 dead on their agenda.

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Rural Leader Medardo Mairena’s Hell

Medardo Mairena is confined to “El Infiernillo” [“Little Hell”], a maximum security prison within the penitentiary known as El Modelo in Tipitapa, near the capital. Pedro Mena and Silvio Pineda are also in this hellhole, political prisoners of the regime of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo.

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Heads and Tails of the Same Coin

Somebody I know on social media, who I got on really well with once we found out each other’s stories and our similar points of view about the Cuban dictatorship, wrote to me today to tell me that she would delete me from her friends’ list because she doesn’t want stories appearing in her feed from friends who appreciate former US president Barack Obama.

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Psychoanalyzing Cuba’s “New Man”

We are a people who beat ourselves up with pleasure. At least in Havana, it’s difficult to get something done or just go to a store without being humiliated. This is such a regular occurrence that most of the time we don’t even react when we are being treated badly. Why don’t we?

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