Venezuela: Desperation for Power Makes You Look Like a Fool

By Elio Delgado Legon

“The people love me”, says Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro. File photo:

HAVANA TIMES – It’s absurd to question Nicolas Maduro’s leadership as Venezuela’s constitutional president. He was elected into office again after winning over 67% of the vote in general elections held on May 20, 2018.

The position taken by OAS Secretary-General, Luis Almagro, is ridiculous and humiliating, as he ignores the UN Charter and that of the OAS, sticking his nose into Venezuela’s national affairs and trying to get the rest of the organization’s member states to recognize the self-proclaimed “interim president”, Juan Guaido, who is following US government instructions.

It’s ridiculous and outrageous that the government of the the world’s greatest military power is trying to use the UN Security Council to approve of its attempt to change Venezuela’s government, which only the Venezuelan people have the right to do.

It’s shameful that a group of countries who march to the beat of Washington’s drum, are recognizing a member of a National Assembly as the president of Venezuela, who is a nobody and hasn’t received anyone’s vote to be the president.

Sinking the country into chaos and chronic shortages to then blame this on the government, Venezuela’s Right haven’t been able to diminish popular support for their Bolivarian and Chavista Revolution. They are desperate to get hold of power again, which will give them access to the country’s riches again (not insignificant at all), even if they have to share them with the US. This is why they have turned to a coup d’etat, following the Empire’s instructions.

US Imperialism has great experience in dirty chenanigans to overturn governments who aren’t aligned with their interests, following a preestablished script. First of all, they look for a way to change the established order and support opposition groups so they can carry out their villainous acts.

In some places, this isn’t enough to overthrow a government and replace it with one that suits their interests; other times, they make the most of the situation to carry out a “humanitarian” intervention, or they just send their troops in to, supposedly, “reinstate democracy”. A very strange democracy because it doesn’t come from the people, but from rifles, bayonets and the canons of a foreign power, who should be taking care of its own national affairs.

There are dozens of examples of this. Not having to go very far, we have the dictatorships that bled our America dry in the ‘70s and ‘80s and some others which came way before, like in Haiti and Nicaragua.

The vice-minister of Foreign Affairs and Cuba’s UN representative, Anayansi Rodriguez, spoke at the UN Security Council summoned by the US to try and legitimize its intervention in Venezuela and impose another government in the South American country, and she said the following among other things: “The US’ hounding of Venezuela is the main threat to peace in Venezuela and Latin America.”

Attempting to impose a government in Venezuela that serves the US government (via a coup d’etat) is worthy of condemnation.

When real democracy doesn’t work out for their interests, they resort to the lowest and dirtiest means, like coup d’etats, whether these be military or parliamentary (let’s remember what happened in Honduras and Brazil), and the persecution of Leftist leaders, with charges without any evidence, just to get them out of the political game, like what happened with Luiz Inacio (Lula) da Silva and Dilma Rousseff in Brazil, Cristina Fernandez in Argentina, Rafael Correa in Ecuador.

There is no doubt whatsoever that the International Right, supported by the US, is desperate to have control and power over Latin America, and Venezuela is the key to them managing this. However, both this Right and the US should be careful, because desperation makes you look like a fool.

Elio Delgado Legon

Elio Delgado-Legon: I am a Cuban who has lived for 80 years, therefore I know full well how life was before the revolution, having experienced it directly and indirectly. As a result, it hurts me to read so many aspersions cast upon a government that fights tooth and nail to provide us a better life. If it hasn’t fully been able to do so, this is because of the many obstacles that have been put in its way.

9 thoughts on “Venezuela: Desperation for Power Makes You Look Like a Fool

  • Cubazuela is a shit hole. Nobody wants to live there.

  • Democratic nations? Which one? Name one. It was particularly entertaining to hear Micron embrace the ‘golpistas’ when Paris is full of Yellow Vests. Do you mean the US where the population is effectively shut out of any policy decisions, whose government is the most brutal, inhuman, murderer of innocents? Maybe you mean Germany where they are busy opening the floodgates to African and Middle Easterners. Possibly you mean Canada which arrests foreign businesspeople when its master the US tells it to do so. Perhaps you mean Ukraine where neonazis run around with impunity. Possibly you mean Isreal, the biggest criminal state in the world. Maybe you mean Argentina where in two years the disaster Macri has crashed the economy. Possibly you mean Brazil where the most corrupt monster has taken power. Not sure, can you be more specific?

  • The 67% who have voted Maduro back into office, get what they voted for: hardship and more. So let them bare the consequences of their ‘democratic’ choice and wait for better times to come,if they survive. Socialism has no future in the world,but fools keep on trying.

  • The Venezuelan people are ill-served by their leaders — both of the government and of the opposition. The oppositon boycotted the election — always a bad thing to do, even when the election may be rigged. Now people who want to see Venezuela as a paradise, can say — “But Maduro got 67% of the vote” — yes, he did … thanks to the opposition.

    But I think it’s worse than that. The opposition have put forth, so far as I can see, no positive program. They should take on board that Chavez, and perhaps Maduro today, appeal to a lot of people in Venezueala who have genuine grievances. I suspect many of these people are disillusioned with Maduro now … but what does the opposition offer them?

    And it goes without saying that the US should keep its claws off of Venezuela. Or do they think they can reproduce in Latin America, their stunning successes in the Middle East?

  • Wow ,
    Some say spokes people in support of the Cuban government and fools like Maduro , simply don’t know any way of seeing things ( after 60 years of Cuban internal propaganda ) properly .

    My friend , no one dictates to the countries of Europe or Canada ( or the US ) to oppose Maduro – your ideas are like those of a child , who has been taught comical , conspiracy theories –

    Democratic nations oppose Maduro ( and Raul ) because of the freedom they enjoy in those democratic nations . You and your good and fellow citizens , do not enjoy those freedoms –
    I hope your being paid for your writings – because if you actually believe what you write – then you deserve to be pitied .


  • In a democracy, almost always the incumbent loses when the economist goes sour. Maduro won the election because that’s how he planned it. The coup happened with the rigged election he held, not with Guaido. People are voting with their feet & leaving. Even socialist Venezuela admits less people are voting. This is due to lack of faith in the system.

  • Simply put…if your type of goverment worked would not need others to help… self sufficent ..right …and why does probably 90% of the people on earth desagree with you ???? Why do MILLIONS of people imagrate to FREE countrys …???????? And yes your goverments are a security threat to ALL free countrys

  • Well said my friend! These evil people only care about money and the power that this money will bring them!! They will try and try again but they will never defeat the people of Venezuela!! Viva Presedente Maduro!! Viva!! Viva!! Viva!!

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