Mr. President: Cuba Does Have Political Prisoners

From the list of the July 11th prisoiners.

By Irina Echarry

HAVANA TIMES – There are hundreds of people detained in Cuban prisons for having gone out and protested on July 11th, even though the Constitution protects this right. 

As I write this, there are people being charged with contempt, public disorder, incitement, sedition.

Many people aged 60+, with all of the health complications that come with age, might face harsh sentences that would make their ailments worse.

They are asking for sentences greater than the age of children being held: 18, 20, 23 years in prison. All of this just because they took to the street, alongside thousands of other protestors, shouting for freedom or an offense against a police officer; or for having thrown a stone, some in self-defense against the many stones the military threw at them, repressing them. These members of the military are still free, they enjoy full immunity, while these children are now seeing their futures cut by judges, public prosecutors, by State Security and everyone else who allows this to happen.

What’s happening in Cuba today is awful, but worse still is the fact that most people carry on about their everyday business, talking about the price of pork or if this or that opposition member left the country; reselling whatever they can buy at US dollar stores (which only a minority of privileged Cubans can buy at with remittances from abroad) at crazy prices; spending hours under the hot sun or being pounded by the humid air as they go to and return from work.

Life. Life in Cuba. The life that these minors and adults have watched come to a grinding halt behind some bars, I imagine that some don’t even properly understand what’s going on.

In order to look at the statistics, please visit the Justicia 11J website which has meticulously compiled and verified this data independently, from civil society: “Out of a total of 1305 people arrested in relation to the July 11th protests, at least 703 continue in detention centers. Out of the 553 people who have been released, many are awaiting trial under bail or home arrest. A total of 137 people are facing sedition charges.

Out of the 85 people arrested in relation to the Civic Day for Change, 10 remain in prison.” There is a link of this very website with a detailed record of the arrests.

Meanwhile, official discourse is hellbent on disproving this reality, over and over again.

A few months ago, the Supreme Court president explained that the right to protest is constitutional, which only confirms that the Government is violating its own laws without any consequences.

In the past few days, Radio Rebelde radio station has been saying it’s fake news that children have been arrested, ignoring the 14 minors who are still in prison. The FMC (Cuban Women’s Federation) didn’t take a stance for the women who were abused by police officers in the middle of the street, nor for the women who are now separated from their children, just because they took to the street to cry out for a better future for them.

Diaz-Canel just told members of the Pastors for Peace caravan that there aren’t any political prisoners in Cuba: “there are people who aren’t with the Revolution and can protest freely,” he says, and the pastors’ caravan people didn’t question that at all.

At this time of year, the country holds a film festival and an Art Biennal, they are talking about parties and celebrations when there are so many people suffering. It’s madness that will stir rage, sadness and doubts.

In the face of this situation, it’s important to talk about the subject with those who believe they are far from experiencing the repression. Talking about the issue with family, friends, neighbors, acquaintances, and strangers. Sharing information, especially with those who don’t have good access to social media or are unable to spend megabytes surfing the web leisurely to read the news. The ones that stick with the president’s cynicism or the State media’s denialism.

There are indeed political prisoners in Cuba, there always has been, just that the number of them now after July is bloodchilling. There are students, workers, professionals, activists, decent, happy people, people who suffer, are discriminated against, brave and simple people; some names are well-known, but not the majority. They are united by their decision to exercise their right of freedom of speech, fed up with their living conditions. They aren’t criminals. We mustn’t abandon them.

We have to be the message bearers for the majority, make them understand that this nightmare could befall one of their own relatives tomorrow.

People are working hard both in and outside Cuba: collecting data, appealing to international organizations, reporting, and sharing information on social media, writing, giving testimony. It’s all super important, and there is still a lot left to be done in our day-to-day on the island, full of people with blindfolds tightly covering their eyes and hearts.

Read more from Irina Echarry here on Havana Times.

Irina Echarry

Irina Echarry: I enjoy reading, going to the movies and spending time with my friends. Many of the people I love are dead, or are no longer in Cuba. I will do my best to transmit my thoughts, ideas or worries via these pages so you can get to know me. I will give an idea of my age, since it helps explain certain things. I’m over thirty-five, and I think that’s enough information. I don’t have any children yet, or nieces or nephews. There are days when I transform myself into a child with no age at all in order to see life from another angle. It helps me break the monotony and survive in this strange world.

4 thoughts on “Mr. President: Cuba Does Have Political Prisoners

  • Much appreciated article providing a Cuban insight. But Michael Davis Sr’s comment was also very important. Diaz-Canel is at a cross roads and needs to think of his contribution, of how he wants to be recognized and remembered. This is not the time for a wrong turn.

  • To the Honorable Diaz Canal, President of Cuba, Please sir, look carefully and see that you have the powers and privileges to grant the freedoms and liberties of free speech, even if this challenges a dictorial mindset in your government. This is an opportunity for you to rise up, be a leader of the people, and permit for them the endowments that are memorialized in the Constitution of Cuba. If you possess the boldness and courage to abide by these endowments and gifts by God, for all the people of the world to see, you will be among the greatest and most revered leaders of the free world. So, do it, rise up to the the challenge, and grant true peaceful freedom of speech, to shine for all the world to see, in Cuba.

  • Pastors for Peace were sn important voice once. Now they don’t even rate as useful idiots

  • Of course since 1959 it has been with more policial prisoners in 1970!’s reached 15,000 that was when Mr Carter negotiated the amnesty and the exit of them and families. Then Castro in the eighties started to fabricate common crimes to policial dissident to say We do not having political prisoners. The whole Cuban population are political prisoners from the Castro’s family unelected dictatorship.

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