In Cuba We Are Experts in Self-Deception

We have always lived in a constant state of self-deception here in Cuba. Let me tell you why.

By Nike

HAVANA TIMES – There have been shortages, restrictions and bans in every aspect of Cuban society, for as long as I can remember. We’ve had crises in the ‘70s and the ‘90s, and now there’s the disaster we’re experiencing today in 2022.

However, we’ve learned to live with this, unfortunately. After every crisis, something changes, there’s a slight improvement, as if they loosen the noose around our necks a little, a noose that they have been tightening so you can barely breathe, and that’s where self-deception comes into play.

People forget about everything that’s happened, the shortages, restrictions and bans and you continue to get by, used to not having so many things, and you wouldn’t even be able to know the difference, because you’ve not been able to know a better life than the one they’ve forced you to live.

So, we carry on with our monotonous chores around the house, looking for food, using all our energy to do this, deceiving ourselves. Satisfied with just a meal on our table every day.

Is there nothing more for the vast majority of Cubans other than staying alive?

When these superfluous improvements come after every crisis, we all deceive ourselves and continue living on this frustrated island and we do nothing to improve, we settle and stay in the country, hoping that it will continue to improve if it’s improved an inch.

Things have never been this bad, so I agree with everyone fleeing in flocks and those who did so beforehand, saving the only life we have, and getting to know just how wonderful our lives can be. I applaud their bravery to start a new life outside their country at any age, young or old.

A piece of advice though, don’t deceive yourself anymore, do whatever you want with your life, but please don’t pass on this self-deception to your children.

I’ve been a victim of that.

Read more from Nike’s diary here.


I was born in Havana, Cuba. All my life I have had the sea as a landscape. I like being close to it, feeling its breeze, its smell, as well as swimming and enjoying the wonders it gives us. Thanks to the manual skill that I inherited from my parents, I have been able to live off crafts. I work primarily papier-mâché, making puppets for children. I write for Havana Times for the possibility of sharing with the world the life of my country and my people.